Booking Plugin Going From 0 To 60k Monthly Organic Visits In 10 Months

The plugin is a cutting-edge digital solution tailored for businesses aiming to automate their appointment and event booking processes. It integrates seamlessly with WordPress, offering an intuitive interface and real-time scheduling.

This platform revolutionizes customer interaction, making reservations, and consultations hassle-free, thus enhancing user experience and business productivity.

Perfect for industries ranging from health and fitness to education and consultancy.

Results in short:

  • 0 to 60,011 monthly organic visits in 10 months
  • 3 to 34 domain authority in 10 months
  • 0 to $90,000+ in sales in 10 months

Their most pressing goal

In June 2018, the client launched its WordPress booking plugin. Like most tech creators with a new product fresh out of the oven, they had no traffic on their website, no mentions in the media, and no reviews.

Attracting the right leads is almost impossible when you don’t put your product in front of their eyes.

So what they wanted was to reach out to people whose businesses depend on taking appointments and show them how the plugin can make their lives easier by automating their booking process.

The solution

  • In partnership with BAW, we used a combination of inbound and outbound marketing to put this plugin on the radar, drive traffic to the website, and attract quality leads.
  • We segmented their ideal users so we can write dedicated content for each segment, addressing their specific needs & desires.
  • We created an editorial plan for their blog and wrote value-packed targeted posts to attract the plugin’s ideal users.
  • In partnership with BAW, we featured the plugin in list campaigns targeted at web design teams and freelancers (an under-targeted market in dire need of solutions like this one).
  • We created two lead magnets for their main segments, wrote an onboarding sequence, and started sending regular newsletters to subscribers.
  • We used social media channels and content platforms that the ideal users follow regularly to generate buzz and drive more traffic to the website.
  • We helped the client promote its plugin in high-quality web design publications, which attracted a flow of leads and boosted conversions.
  • We included the plugin in existing articles that get loads of organic traffic, in top-notch publications we’ve partnered with for years.

The results

The massive exposure we got for the booking plugin in the first few months was crucial for the plugin’s success.

Using social media and content platforms in a strategic way, getting quality backlinks in high-traffic articles & and doing killer keyword research for the company blog brought the site great results in the first few months.

If you’re into vanity metrics, these might tickle you:

  • We boosted the website’s organic traffic from 0 to 60,011 monthly visits in 10 months,
  • We lifted the domain authority from 3 to 34 in 10 months.


We helped the client reach over $90,000 in sales since launching the plugin.

Editorial note: this case study was written quite a while ago. In the meantime, the site has shaken off some of the irrelevant traffic but kept increasing its revenue.