Picture this: It’s dawn on a brisk UK morning, just one of those coveted bank holidays. The city’s usual hustle is hushed, businesses catch a break, and the calm is palpable.

But what exactly unfurls across towns when these holidays come ’round?

UK bank holidays are more than dates on a calendar; they are the cornerstones of national tradition and rhythm. Tucked within are opportunities – for businesses to plan, for families to gather, and for all to celebrate or simply exhale.

In this article, we unpack the tapestry of these public rest days. From the historical quirks of Spring bank holidays to the Christmas Day holiday cheer, and even how the bank holiday impact on businesses makes or breaks the fiscal quarter.

By the end, you’ll navigate the yearly maze of legal holidays in England, and other regions, with the savvy of a seasoned local.

Dive in as we spotlight key dates, the official UK holidays system, and give a nod to how these days affect everything from your local ATM to public transportation and deeper still, the financial markets.

UK bank holidays

Holiday2024 DateDay of the WeekCountryNotes
New Year’s DayJanuary 1MondayUK-wide 
Good FridayMarch 29FridayUK-wideChristian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus
Easter MondayApril 1MondayEngland, Wales, Northern IrelandNot a holiday in Scotland
Early May Bank HolidayMay 6MondayUK-wideAlso known as May Day
Spring Bank HolidayMay 27MondayUK-wide 
Battle of the BoyneJuly 12FridayNorthern IrelandAlso known as Orangemen’s Day
Summer Bank HolidayAugust 26MondayScotland 
Summer Bank HolidayAugust 5MondayEngland, Wales, Northern Ireland 
St Andrew’s DayNovember 30SaturdayScotlandOften observed on the following Monday if it falls on a weekend
Christmas DayDecember 25WednesdayUK-wide 
Boxing DayDecember 26ThursdayUK-wide 

What does a bank holiday mean?

The term ‘bank holiday’ is unique to the United Kingdom. It simply refers to the fact that banks don’t operate on these holidays. Many businesses and institutions depend on banks to carry out their transactions. When they noticed they can’t run properly on these days, they also began closing down on bank holidays.

Though many people think banks and public holidays are one and the same, this isn’t entirely true. A bank holiday stems from statute law while a public holiday comes from common law.

Bank holidays came to be thanks to Sir John Lubbock, a banker, writer, and politician. He proposed Bank Holiday Bill which was ultimately accepted. This allowed him to establish the first bank holiday ever.

Though these days originally targeted banks, other institutions adapted to these days off.

While each part of the UK celebrates its own bank holidays, these are the 7 ones they have in common:

  • New Year’s Day – 1st of January
  • Good Friday – Friday before Easter Sunday
  • Early May Bank Day – First Monday in May
  • Spring Bank Day – Last Monday in May
  • Summer Bank Holiday – First Monday in August in some parts of the UK and the last Monday in August for others
  • Christmas Day – 25th of December
  • Boxing Day – 26th of December

The UK has a special system in place should a bank holiday fall on a weekend. When this happens, it automatically applies on the following Monday instead. If you ever consider moving to the UK, remember this handy perk.

What the UK bank holidays look like in each region

Though part of the same country, each UK region has the right to add or remove some of the bank holidays. Apart from the 7 shared bank holidays, each region has a few additional ones.

8 important UK bank holidays observed in England and Wales

Unless the Royal Proclamation dictates otherwise, England and Wales celebrate 8 bank holidays yearly. The UK often issues special bank holidays that only happen in a single year.

In 2022, this occurred twice. The 3rd of June was declared a bank holiday as a tribute to Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee. The second special bank holiday was issued on September 19, so that UK citizens could observe the Queen’s funeral.

England and Wales celebrate the following 8 bank holidays:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Monday
  • Early May Bank Holiday
  • Spring Bank Day
  • Summer Bank Holiday
  • Christmas Day
  • Boxing Day

One of the wide-known facts about the UK is that each region has its patron saints. You’ve likely heard about Saint Patrick’s Day. But what about the saints of England and Wales? Though Saint George’s Day and Saint David’s Day exist, they don’t count as bank holidays.

9 major bank holidays celebrated in Scotland

Local authorities in Scotland can issue public holidays. They can also substitute national public holidays with local ones. Some of these public holidays eventually become bank holidays.

Scottish businesses have no obligation to close on bank holidays, but they can choose to do so. Scotland also stands out from other regions by how it treats Easter Monday and New Year’s Eve.

This region doesn’t recognize Easter Monday as a public holiday and most businesses thus operate normally. On the other hand, New Year’s Day lasts for two days in this region.

Apart from the standard UK bank holidays, the Scottish also celebrate Saint Andrew’s Day as a bank holiday since 2006. Saint Andrew is considered a patron saint of Scotland. He died in 60 AD when the Romans crucified him. This bank holiday falls on the 30th of November, but businesses can choose to function normally if they want to.

10 popular bank holidays in Northern Ireland

Of all the UK regions, Northern Ireland comes out on top in terms of the bank holiday count. People of this region celebrate three bank holidays in addition to the seven general ones.

If a bank holiday would fall on a weekend in Northern Ireland, it’s instead moved to another workday. In most cases, this is the Monday after the weekend.

The first notable bank holiday is Saint Patrick’s Day. This spring bank holiday serves as a commemoration of the arrival of Christianity. This famous patron saint’s day falls on the 17th of march each year.

Another important Irish holiday is the commemoration of the Battle of the Boyne. This bank holiday falls on the 12th of July. During this time, the Irish remember Prince William Orange who defeated King James VII of Scotland. Thanks to this victory, he became King William III.

Unlike in Scotland, the people celebrate Easter Monday as a bank holiday in Northern Ireland.

The region will also witness a special bank holiday next summer when King Charles III goes through his coronation ceremony.

Are the UK bank holidays statutory or not?

It ultimately comes down to your job type. However, most aren’t obligatory. It usually falls to your employer to decide if you have to work through a bank holiday.

Though working through the holidays can be a nuisance for some people, it has even greater implications. Not many people realize that bank holidays might contribute to your annual leave pay.

In most cases, the Working Time Regulations consider bank holidays as standard workdays. This means your employer isn’t obliged to pay you on bank holidays. Though some might choose to do so, it’s their own decision.

If the business where you work doesn’t operate on a bank holiday, your boss might add the day to your annual leave. This matter is very situational and depends on your contract agreements.

But whether they contribute to your annual leave or not, your employer might deduct from it based on how many bank holidays there were in the year. If they aren’t part of your annual leave, it’s up to your employer to decide whether you get paid.

The only way to be sure is to check your contract agreements.

FAQ On UK Bank Holidays

What Exactly Are UK Bank Holidays?

Bank holidays? Think of them as those days when banks shut their doors, and a collective pause button gets hit across various sectors.

They’re legally set days when most folks in the UK get to chill or celebrate, no work and all play, so to speak.

How Many Bank Holidays Are There in the UK?

Each year, light up the BBQ or plan a getaway about eight times if you’re in England and Wales.

Scoot over to Scotland, and you snag an extra one — that’s nine. But Northern Irish? They’re the winners here with ten.

When Is the Next UK Bank Holiday?

Ah, that’s the question, right? Details change yearly, but there’s always a handy bank holiday calendar everyone keeps an eye on.

Just check online, and you’ll spot the next day to circle in red.

Are UK Bank Holidays the Same Across All Regions?

Nope, it’s a bit of a mix-and-match. Some days are UK-wide, others aren’t. Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own special days, like St. Andrew’s Day up north.

England and Wales tend to stick together with their schedule, though.

Can Employers Require Staff to Work on Bank Holidays?

Sure can, depends on the job. Holiday entitlement doesn’t automatically include bank holidays. It’s up to companies and contracts.

Always best to have a peek at the fine print or have a chat with HR to know where you stand.

Do Bank Holidays Affect Pay?

If you’re working? Often, yes. Many places offer extra cash for the trouble — holiday pay, they call it, kinda like a financial ‘thank you’ for clocking in when others are clocking out.

But that’s not a universal thing, it’s employer-specific.

What Happens to Public Transportation on Bank Holidays?

Expect a Sunday timetable or something close to it. Buses and trains take it slower. Some routes might even take a nap for the day.

Before you make plans, might want to triple-check your local transport for London updates or equivalent.

Are Shops and Supermarkets Open on Bank Holidays?

Usually, but it’s like a lazy Sunday morning for them too. Reduced hours are the norm.

Before you dash out for milk or a deal, it’s a smart move to check if they’re actually open. Don’t want to end up disappointed at a locked door.

Do Bank Holidays Affect How I Use My Bank?

In-person service? Nope, won’t find that. But, hello technology! Online and mobile banking have your back, and ATMs aren’t going anywhere.

Bank holidays might slow down processing stuff like transfers a bit, though.

Why Do Some Bank Holidays Move Dates Each Year?

Here’s the thing, some UK bank holidays are tied to lunar shenanigans or have historical ties – Easter being a prime example.

It’s not about picking a date and sticking with it, it’s about tradition and celestial movements, a dance that’s been going on for ages.


Wrapping this up, it’s clear that UK bank holidays carry more significance than meets the eye, impacting not just the collective downtime but also steering the commercial and cultural ship.

  • Spring bank holiday syncs with the coy dance of May blossoms; the festive surge during Christmas Day holiday sees families and friends nestled in warm gatherings, setting commerce ablaze. Every holiday from the peaks of Scotland to the vibrant streets of London orchestrates a unique tempo in the UK holiday calendar.

These neatly-spaced pauses sprinkled throughout the year are a chessboard for strategic planning. They prime opportunities for promotions, essential rest, and a reevaluation of operations and service offerings.

Remember, whether it’s navigating the rush of bank holiday sales or the stillness of the city during these breaks, harnessing the pulse of these days is elemental for any enterprising spirit looking to thrive in the UK’s vibrant economic landscape.

If you liked this article about UK bank holidays, you should check out this one on how many working days are in a year.

You should also check out these other articles of ours about public holidays in France, holidays in Australia, US Federal holidays, Canadian holidays, New Zealand holidays, and also public holidays in Japan, South Korea, and Singapore.


I'm the manager behind the Upcut Studio team. I've been involved in content marketing for quite a few years helping startups grow.